Floor Packet Page No. 267                                                   

Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                     
	1. On page I-53, Historical Commission, reduce the 
appropriation for Strategy A.1.2. Preservation Trust Fund, by 
$2,500,000 in Fiscal Year 2004.
	2. On page I-53, Historical Commission, Strategy A.1.5. 
Courthouse Preservation, by reducing the general revenue 
appropriation in Fiscal Year 2004 by $13,300,000.
	3. On page VI-1, Texas Department of Agriculture by reducing 
the general appropriation for Strategy A.1.3 Integrated Pest 
Management by $5,000,000 in Fiscal Year 2004 and  $5,000,000  in 
Fiscal Year 2005.
	4. In Article VI, Soil and Water Conservation Board, page 
VI-42, by reducing the general revenue appropriation in Strategy 
A.1.2. Brush Control Assistance by $3,250,000 in Fiscal Year 2005.
	5. In ARTICLE III, on page III-4, fund Texas Education Agency 
strategy B.2.3 "Safe Schools" as follows:
                  FY 2004             FY 2005             Biennium            
CSHB 1              $45,310,251         $45,910,250         $91,220,501         
Amended total       $60,435,250         $60,435,250         $120,270,501        
Increase            $14,525,000         $14,525,000         $29,050,000         

	6. On page III-5, increase Goal B Total and Grand Total 
	7. On page III-6, adjust Method of Financing appropriately.                    
	8. On page III-6, increase Object-of-Expense Informational 
Listing appropriately.
	9. Add an appropriately numbered rider as follows:                             
	Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs. Out of the funds 
appropriated above in Strategy B.2.6, Safe Schools, there is hereby 
allocated the amount of $18,000,000 for each year of the biennium 
for safe schools programs under Texas Education Code § 37.008.
	Note: Amounts to fund this program and rider language are 
from the final 2002-2003 appropriations bill, ARTICLE III rider 42.