Amend Amendment No. 248 by Hochberg to CSHB 1 (page 332 of the 
amendment packet) by striking the text of the amendment and 
substituting the following:
	Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                       
	(1) Strike Rider 37 following the appropriations to the Texas 
Education Agency (page III-13) and substitute the following:
	37. Guaranteed Yield Level.  In accordance with Subchapter F, 
Chapter 42, Education Code, Guaranteed Yield Program, the 
guaranteed level per weighted student per cent of tax effort is 
hereby set at $27.61 in 2004 and $28.48 in 2005.
	(2) In Article III, insert the following new riders, 
appropriately numbered, following the appropriations to the Texas 
Education Agency.
	_____. Basic Allotment. In accordance with Section 42.101, 
Education Code, the Basic Allotment is hereby set at $2,568 in 2004 
and $2,625 in 2005.
	_____. Equalized Wealth Level.  Contingent on the enactment 
of legislation increasing the equalized wealth level under Section 
41.002, Education Code, or permitting the equalized wealth level to 
be set by appropriation, the equalized wealth level is hereby set at 
$310,000 in 2004 and $315,000 in 2005.
	(3) Strike Rider 68 following the appropriations to the Texas 
Education Agency (page III-19) and substitute the following:
	68. FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND. The amount of $600,000,000 in 
general revenue is appropriated to the Texas Education Agency for 
the 2004-05 biennium for Strategy A.1.1., EQUALIZED OPERATIONS, in 
addition to the other amounts appropriated for those purposes by 
this Act.