Amend Floor Amendment No. 250 by Villarreal (packet page 349) 
by striking the text on page 1, line 2, through page 2, line 25 and 
substituting the following:
	(1)  In Article III of the bill, following the appropriation 
to the Texas Education Agency, add the following appropriately 
numbered rider:
DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS.  Contingent on the enactment and becoming 
law of HB 1017 or similar legislation of the 78th Legislature, 
Regular Session, that authorizes coordination of resources 
demonstration projects under which government-funded child-care 
services are operated in a coordinated manner, out of funds 
appropriated above in Strategy A.2.2, Student Success, the 
commissioner of education shall, in each fiscal year of the fiscal 
biennium ending August 31, 2005, allocate $1 million in federal 
child-care and development funds transferred from the Texas 
Workforce Commission through interagency contract and $1 million in 
general revenue funds for use in funding child-care services 
provided by entities operating those demonstration projects.
	(2)  In Article III of the bill, following the appropriation 
to the Texas Education Agency, amend Rider 45 (page III-14) by 
striking the first sentence of the rider and substituting the 
	Except as otherwise provided by the contingency for HB 1017 
or similar legislation described below, out of the funds 
appropriated above in Strategy A.2.2, Student Success, $75,092,439 
in fiscal year 2004 and $75,092,439 in fiscal year 2005 are 
allocated for the Student Success Initiative.  Contingent on the 
enactment and becoming law of HB 1017 or similar legislation of the 
78th Legislature, Regular Session, that authorizes coordination of 
resources demonstration projects under which government-funded 
child-care services are operated in a coordinated manner, out of 
the funds appropriated above in Strategy A.2.2, Student Success, 
$74,092,439 in fiscal year 2004 and $74,092,439 in fiscal year 2005 
are allocated for the Student Success Initiative.
	(3)  In Article VII of the bill, following the appropriation 
to the Texas Workforce Commission, add the following appropriately 
numbered rider:
and becoming law of HB 1017 or similar legislation of the 78th 
Legislature, Regular Session, that authorizes coordination of 
resources demonstration projects under which government-funded 
child-care services are operated in a coordinated manner, out of 
the funds appropriated above in Strategy A.1.1, Child Care 
Services, $1 million in federal child-care and development funds 
shall be transferred through interagency contract in each fiscal 
year of the fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2005, to the Texas 
Education Agency for use in funding child-care services provided by 
entities operating those demonstration projects.