Floor Packet Page No. 384                                                   

Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                     
	(1.) Contingent on the passage of HB 255, in Article III, on 
the appropriate page for each general academic institution and 
starting on page III-208 under Special Provisions Relating Only to 
State Agencies of Higher Education, decrease General Revenue 
formula funding by $374,317 in fiscal year 2004 and $390,592 in 
fiscal year 2005.  Adjust the general academic institution formula 
funding rates and resulting formula strategies for each general 
academic institution accordingly.
	(2.) Contingent on the passage of HB 255, on page III-41 under 
the appropriation for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating 
Board, increase the General Revenue funding in Strategy A.1.1. 
Promote Participation and Success by $374,317 in fiscal year 2004 
and $390,592 in fiscal year 2005.
	(3.) On page III-55 under appropriation for the Texas Higher 
Education Coordinating Board add the following appropriately 
numbered rider:
		_____. Contingency for HB 255.  Included in the general 
revenue appropriation in Strategy A.1.1. PROMOTE PARTICIPATION AND 
SUCCESS is $374,317 in fiscal year 2004 and $390,592 in fiscal year 
2005 contingent upon the enactment of HB 255, or similar 
legislation relating to exempting peace officers enrolled in law 
enforcement programs from tuition charged by a public institution 
of higher education.