	This would amend the amendment on page 372 (by Pete Gallego) 
to move the requested appropriation to Article IX, Section 11.29. 
Intent of the Legislature.

Required Actions                                                      
	REVISE section 1) as follows:                                                  
	On page III-88, Texas A&M University KingsvilleIX-85, Sec. 
11.29 Intent of the Legislature. add the following section:
	"Sec. _____.   (    )   IRMA RANGEL SCHOOL OF PHARMACY.  In 
addition to the funds appropriated above, Texas A&M-Kingsville is 
hereby appropriated $5.4 million in fiscal year 2004 for the 
completion of the building, with unexpended authority within the 
biennium to use these funds for the same purposes in fiscal year 
2005, and an additional $1.5 million in fiscal year 2004 and $2.5 
million in fiscal year 2005 for furnishing and equipping the 
facility and other costs as required for the school to begin 
accepting students in the Fall of 2005.  The Legislature expressly 
has determined that there is a demonstrated need for this project."
	DELETE section 2) of the amendment.