	This would amend the amendment on page 324 (by Deshotel) to 
clarify that the relocation of $86,431,916 in General Revenue that 
is being reallocated from each general academic institutions' 
Indirect Cost Recovery Strategy to the funding formulas.
	Required Actions                                                        
	DELETE the text in section 1.) and insert the following:                       
	"DECREASE the General Revenue appropriation in each general 
academic institutions' Indirect Cost Recovery by strategy by a 
total of $86,431,916 for the 2004-05 biennium."
	INSERT the following:                                                          
	"2.)  INCREASE General Revenue formula funding by $86,431,916 
for the 2004-05 biennium.  Adjust the general academic institution 
formula funding rates and resulting formula strategies for each 
general academic institution accordingly."