Floor Packet Page No. 22                                                    

Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                     
	1) On page I-30, Comptroller of Public Accounts, add the 
following section and number it appropriately:
	"Sec. _____. Improved Tax Compliance and Collections.  In 
addition to the amounts appropriated above, there is hereby 
appropriated $8,100,000 out of the general revenue fund for the 
biennium beginning September 1, 2003, to improve tax collections 
and compliance.  The appropriation is contingent upon the 
Comptroller's certification that increased tax collections 
estimated to be $83,673,000 for the biennium would result from 
increased efforts to ensure tax compliance and collections and 
would result in a net gain estimated to be $75,573,000 in the 
General Revenue Fund."
	2) On page II-58, B.1.1., TANF Grants, increase the general 
revenue appropriation for "medically needy adults" by $60.8 million 
for the biennium.