Amend Amendment No. 320 by Hodge to CSHB 1 (amendment packet, 
page 397) by striking the text of the amendment and substituting the 
	(1)  Add the following appropriately numbered rider following 
the appropriations to the Texas Workforce Commission in Article VII 
of the bill:
	(   )  PROJECT RIO.  None of the money appropriated by this Act 
may be spent for the purposes of Project Rio.
	(2)  In Article V of the bill, in the appropriations to the 
Texas Department of Criminal Justice (page V-10), increase the 
appropriations for Strategy C.2.1.  TEXAS CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES 
in the amount of $1,629,868 for the fiscal year ending August 31, 
2004, and in the amount of $1,629,867 for the fiscal year ending 
August 31, 2005.
	(3)  In Article V of the bill, in the appropriations to the 
Texas Youth Commission (page V-56), increase the appropriations for 
Strategy B.1.1 EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE PROGRAMS in the amount of 
$237,150 for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2004, and in the 
amount of $237,150 for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2005.