Floor Packet Page No. 407                                                   

Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                     
	On page 34 Article VI, Parks and Wildlife Department, add 
Section 22.  Gratuities Accepted by Employees.  An employee of the 
State Parks Division of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department may 
accepting a gratuity if:
		(1) the employee serves food and beverages as a primary 
job duty in a restaurant, cafeteria or other food service 
establishment within a State Park owned and operated by the Texas 
Parks and Wildlife Department;
		(2) the gratuity is offered by a customer of the 
restaurant, cafeteria or other food service establishment in 
appreciation for the service of food or beverages;
		(3) the employee served food or beverages to the 
customer offering the gratuity;
		(4) the employee has been designated by the Texas Parks 
and Wildlife Department as being authorized to receive a gratuity; 
		(5) the employee reports the gratuity in accordance 
with requirements established by the Texas Parks and Wildlife 