Floor Packet Page No. 6                                                     

Amend CSHB 1 as follows:                                                     
	(1)  On the appropriate page under Article IX, add the 
following sections:   
	SEC. _____.  Texas Food & Fibers Commission.  Contingent on the 
enactment of legislation by the Seventy-eighth Legislature, 
Regular Session, implementing the recommendations contained in 
e-Texas II issue GG 36, Eliminating the Texas Food and Fibers 
Commission, the following provisions shall take effect:
	(a)  Appropriations made by this Act to the Texas Food and 
Fibers Commission for the biennium are hereby reduced by $1,349,101 
in General Revenue, $465,000 in Federal Funds, and $2,744,595 in 
Other Funds for each year of the biennium beginning September 1, 
	(b)  Any grants or gifts received by or awarded to the Texas 
Food and Fibers Commission, and any unexpended balances as of 
September 1, 2003, in any grants or gifts received by the Texas Food 
and Fibers Commission are hereby reappropriated to the Department 
of Agriculture.
	(c)  Rider provisions contained in this Act for the Texas Food 
and Fibers Commission are hereby made applicable to the Department 
of Agriculture to the extent they apply to programs previously 
administered by the Texas Food and Fibers Commission.
	Sec. _____.  Surplus Property.  Contingent on the enactment of 
legislation by the Seventy-eighth Legislature, Regular Session, 
implementing the recommendations contained in e-Texas II issue GG 
40, Increase Revenues from Surplus Property, the following 
provision shall take effect:
	Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act, receipts to 
any agency of the state government specified in this Act received 
from the sale of surplus property, equipment, livestock, 
commodities, or salvage pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2175, 
Government Code, and which were originally purchased with an 
appropriation from the General Revenue Fund shall be deposited into 
the General Revenue Fund and are not appropriated for expenditure.  
It is the intent of the legislature that implementation of GG 40 
increase the amount of unobligated General Revenue by at least 
$1,705,000 in 2004 and $1,758,000 in 2005 above amounts contained 
in the Comptroller's January 2003 Biennial Revenue Estimate.
	Sec. _____, Texas Imported Fire Ant Research and Management 
Plan.  It is the intent of the legislature to implement the 
recommendation in e-Texas II issue GG 42, Eliminate Duplicative 
Funding for the Texas Imported Fire Ant Research and Management 
Plan, and suspend funding for the plan for the biennium.  General 
Revenue Fund appropriations made by this Act to the Texas 
Agricultural Experiment Station in Strategy A.1.1., 
Agricultural/Life Sciences Research, are hereby reduced by 
$2,187,500 in fiscal year 2004 and by $2,187,500 in fiscal year 
	Sec. _____, Animal Health Commission.  Contingent upon 
enactment of legislation by the Seventy-eighth Legislature, 
Regular Session, implementing the recommendations in e-Texas II 
issue GG 41, Merge the Animal Health Commission with the Department 
of Agriculture, the following provisions take effect:
	(a)  General Revenue Fund appropriations made by this Act to 
the Animal Health Commission are hereby reduced by $825,125 in 
fiscal year 2004 and by $1,649,375 in fiscal year 2005.  The "Number 
of Full Time Equivalent Positions (FTE)" figure indicated for the 
Animal Health Commission is hereby reduced by 13 in fiscal year 2004 
and by 26 in fiscal year 2005.
	(B)  Any remaining appropriations made by the Act to the 
Animal Health Commission and corresponding FTEs are hereby 
transferred to the Department of Agriculture, effective March 1, 
2004, for the same purposes.
	(C)  General Revenue Fund appropriations made elsewhere in 
the Act for employee benefit costs are hereby reduced by $147,000 in 
fiscal year 2004 and by $294,000 in fiscal year 2005.