Amend CSHB 5 on page 3, lines 3 through 14, by deleting SECTION 4 and substituting the following: SECTION 4. Effective September 30, 2005, Chapter 4, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 4.003 to read as follows: Sec. 4.003. STATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROVISION OF PUBLIC EDUCATION. (a) It is the policy of this state that the provision of public education is a state responsibility and that a thorough and efficient system be provided and substantially financed through state revenue sources so that each student enrolled in the public school system shall have access to programs and services that are appropriate to the student's educational needs and that are substantially equal to those available to any similar student, notwithstanding varying local economic factors. (b) The public school finance system of this state shall adhere to a standard of neutrality that provides for substantially equal access to similar revenue per student at similar tax efforts, considering all state and local tax revenues of districts after acknowledging all legitimate student and district cost differences.