Amend CSHB 5, on page 48, line 22, by adding the following 
(6)  identify categories of students, including but 
not limited to students who are educationally or economically 
disadvantaged, who are identified as at risk of dropping out of 
school, or who are of limited English-speaking proficiency, whose 
performance on assessment instruments, graduation rates, or higher 
education enrollment and completion rates, is lower than the 
performance of students in the state as a whole;
(7)  identify instructional arrangements, 
technologies and other strategies that have a proven record of 
improving student performance generally within each category 
identified above to the level of performance established under 
Sec. 41.008(c);
(8)  identify the average higher incremental costs of 
those arrangements, technologies, and strategies identified 
pursuant to subdivision (7) compared to the costs of educating the 
general population that is not in the identified categories above.
(9)  conduct a statistical analysis, controlling for 
all other factors, of the additional resources necessary to 
accomplish the outcomes in subdivision (7).
(10)  propose appropriate weights or other formula 
adjustments necessary to provide each district with the resources 
to offer, without having to increase their enrichment tax rate, 
such successful arrangements and strategies to all such students in 
the district based on subdivisions (8) and (9).