Amend CSHB 5 in SECTION 1.02 of the bill, by striking added 
Subsection (a), Section 41.404, Education Code, and substituting 
the following:
	(a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, a 
school district is entitled to an amount of state aid per student in 
weighted average daily attendance that is equal to the amount of 
state and local funds for maintenance and operations per student in 
weighted average daily attendance the district received under 
former Chapters 41 and 42 and Chapter 45 or under another law 
authorizing a school district to impose a tax for maintenance and 
operations for the 2002-2003 or 2003-2004 school year, whichever 
amount is greater.  The legislature by appropriation may provide a 
greater amount for any year.  For purposes of this subsection the 
amount of state and local funds for maintenance and operations per 
student in weighted average daily attendance a district received 
for the 2002-2003 or 2003-2004 school year does not include any 
amounts the district paid for:
(1)  the purchase of attendance credits under former 
Subchapter D, Chapter 41; or
(2)  the education of nonresident students under 
former Subchapter E, Chapter 41.