Amend CSHB 5 as follows:                                                     
	(1)  In SECTION 1.02 of the bill (committee printing, page 9, 
line 65) between "any" and "amounts" insert "amounts the district 
received as a result of an increase from tax year 2002 to tax year 
2003 in the district's property tax rate for maintenance and 
operations nor any".
	(2)  In SECTION 1.02 of the bill (committee printing, page 
10, line 2), insert a new subsection the following new (b) and 
re-letter current subsections (b) - (e):
	(b)  For purposes of subsection (a) a district's property tax 
rate for maintenance and operations is determined by dividing the 
amount of property taxes the district imposed for maintenance and 
operations by the district's taxable value before optional 
exemptions are deducted and multiplying the result by 100.