Amend CSHB 15 (House Committee Printing) as follows:                         
	(1) On page 1, line 10, strike the comma after the word 
"chapter" and substitute a colon.
	(2) On page 1, line 10, before the first quotation mark insert 
" (1) ".
	(3) On page 1, line 14, after the period insert the following:                 
		"(2) "Medical emergency" means an acute medical 
condition that threatens to end the life of a woman seeking an 
abortion and requiring, in the opinion of the attending physician, 
immediate action to prevent the death of the woman."
	(4) On page 7, line 2, insert the following after the period:                  
	"Sec. 171.017. EXEMPTIONS. A physician or a physician's agent 
is not required to comply with this chapter if:
		(1) the abortion is required by a medical emergency; or                
		(2) the pregnancy is the result of conduct constituting 
a felony, including rape and incest."
	(5) Renumber the remaining proposed Sections of proposed 
Chapter 171 appropriately.