Amend CSHB 15 (House Committee Printing) on page 7, line 13, 
by inserting the following after the period:
	"(Subsections 171.019-171.030 reserved for expansion.)                  
Sec. 171.031. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Crisis pregnancy center" means a charitable organization that provides counseling and material assistance to pregnant women who are considering placing their children for adoption and does not provide abortions or abortion-related services or makes referrals to abortion providers. (2) "Pregnancy" and "pregnant" mean the condition of a woman having a developing embryo or fetus in the woman's body after successful conception. Sec. 171.032. APPLICATION. The department may provide information about a public or private agency under Section 171.015 of this title if the agency complies with this chapter. Sec. 171.033. RISK INFORMATION. (a) A person may not provide counseling information regarding pregnancy options, including adoption, to a pregnant woman without providing information on the risks associated with an abortion procedure and pregnancy and birth risks. (b) The department shall develop educational materials that describe risks associated with abortion, pregnancy and birth, and should include: (1) the risks to a woman's health from abortion including infection and hemorrhage; (2) the risks to a woman's health from pregnancy and birth including high-blood pressure, diabetes, depression and death; (3) the statistical risks associated with abortion, pregnancy and birth including pregnancy-related mortality versus abortion-related mortality. Sec. 171.034. CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTERS. (a) A crisis pregnancy center must provide balanced information to women seeking pregnancy counseling that outline all of the pregnancy options available to them, including: (1) the risks associated with abortion, pregnancy and childbirth as developed by the department; (2) information related to a woman's rights and responsibilities during the adoption process and risks associated with post-partum depression and emotional traumas associated with pregnancy and parenting; (3) the liability of a child's father for financial assistance, including the statistical percentage of fathers who actually provide financial assistance as determined by the Office of Child Support Enforcement, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and any successor agency; and (4) geographically-indexed materials designed to inform a woman of public and private agencies and services available to assist a woman with family planning, pregnancy, childbirth, adoption a child's dependency and abortion, including: (A) a comprehensive list of agencies and services; and (B) a description of the manner, including telephone numbers, in which these agencies and services may be contacted. Sec. 171.035. WOMAN'S RIGHTS AT CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER. A crisis pregnancy center shall ensure that all women using the center and its services: (1) be allowed to make her own choice and self-determination; (2) are ensured the right to personal privacy and confidentiality of her choices and decisions; (3) have access to care and treatment consistent with available resources and generally accepted standards regardless of race, creed, and national origin; (4) are allowed to ask additional questions after receiving information and counseling; and (5) are provided freedom from abuse, neglect, or exploitation as those terms are defined by the department by rule."