Amend CSHB 329 as follows:                                                   
	(1)  On page 5, between lines 20 and 21, insert:                               
	Sec. 1958.151.  SCOPE OF WORK ANALYSIS.  (a)  A license holder 
who intends to perform mold assessment on a mold remediation 
project shall prepare a work analysis for the project.  The license 
holder shall provide the analysis to the client before the mold 
remediation begins.
	(b)  The work analysis must specify:                                    
		(1)  the rooms or areas where the work will be 
		(2)  the quantities of materials to be removed or 
cleaned at the project;
		(3)  the proposed methods for each type of remediation 
in each type of area in the project; and
		(4)  the proposed clearance criteria for each type of 
remediation in each type of area in the project.
	Sec. 1958.152.  REMEDIATION WORK PLAN.  (a)  A license holder 
who intends to perform mold remediation shall prepare a work plan 
providing instructions for the remediation efforts to be performed 
for the mold remediation project.  The license holder shall provide 
the work plan to the client before the mold remediation begins.
	(b)  The license holder shall maintain a copy of the work plan 
at the job site where the remediation is being performed.
	(2)  Renumber the sections of Subchapter D, Chapter 1958, 
Occupations Code, as added by the bill, and correct 
cross-references accordingly.