Amend CSHB 329 as follows:                                                   
	(1)  On page 12, lines 10-11, strike "OR RATING".                       
	(2)  On page 12, line 11, strike "WATER OR".                            
	(3)  On page 12, strike lines 13-14 and substitute:                            
		(1)  "Insurer" means an insurance company, reciprocal 
or interinsurance exchange, mutual insurance company, capital 
stock company, county mutual insurance company, farm mutual 
insurance company, Lloyd's plan, or other legal entity authorized 
to write residential property insurance in this state.  The term 
includes an affiliate, as described by Section 823.003(a), if that 
affiliate is authorized to write and is writing residential 
property insurance in this state.  The term does not include:
			(A)  an eligible surplus lines insurer regulated 
under Chapter 981; 
			(B)  the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association 
under Article 21.49; or
			(C)  the FAIR Plan Association under Article 
	(4)  Strike page 13, lines 1-2, and substitute "underwriting 
decision regarding a residential property insurance policy based on 
previous mold damage if:".
	(5)  On page 13, line 5, strike "water or".                             
	(6)  On page 13, line 6, between "the" and "claim", insert 
"property that is the subject of the".
	(7)  On page 13, strike lines 7-9 and substitute:                              
		(3)  a certificate of mold remediation has been issued 
to the property owner under Section 1958.151 that establishes that 
the underlying cause of the mold at the property has been 
remediated; or
	(8)  On page 13, line 11, between "adjustor" and "that", 
insert "who determined, based on the inspection,".