Amend HB 329 (2nd reading engrossment) as follows:                           
	(1) On page 9, line 14, after "INTEREST" and before the 
period, insert "; DISCLOSURE REQUIRED".
	(2) On page 9, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following:                  
	(c) A license holder who is not an individual shall disclose 
to the department the name, address, and occupation of each person 
that has an ownership interest in the license holder.  The license 
holder shall report any changes in ownership to the department.  The 
board shall adopt rules to implement this section, including rules 
regarding the form of the disclosure and the time required to make 
disclosures or to report a change in ownership.
	Sec. 1958.155. CODE OF ETHICS. The board by rule shall adopt a 
code of ethics for license holders that promotes the education of 
mold assessors and mold remediators concerning the ethical, legal, 
and business principles that should govern their conduct.
	(3) Renumber the remaining sections of Subchapter D, Chapter 
1958, Occupations Code, as added by the bill, accordingly.