Amend CSHB 329 as follows:                                                   
	(1)  In Sec. 1958.055(b) in SECTION 1 of the bill, strike 
lines 33-42, and substitute the following:  (committee printing, 
page 2).
(1)  $400 for a license issued to an individual;                         
(2)  $750 for a license issued to a person who is not 
an individual; and
(3)  $60 for a registration issued to an employee of a 
license holder. 
	(2)  Insert in Sec. 1958.106(a) in SECTION 1 of the bill 
"required under this chapter" between "training" and "and" 
(committee printing, page 3, line 53).
	(3)  Insert in Sec. 1958.106(a) in SECTION 1 of the bill "for 
a license holder" between "required" and "under" (committee 
printing, page 3, line 54).