Amend HB 411, by adding a new Section 5, as follows and
renumber the following sections appropriately:
SECTION 5, Section 39.023(a), Education Code is amended to
read as follows:
39.023 Adoption and Administration of Instruments
(a) The agency shall adopt or develop appropriate
criterion-referenced assessment instruments designed to assess
essential knowledge and skills in reading, writing, mathematics,
social studies, and science. All students, except students
assessed under Subsection (b) or (1) or exempted under Section
39.027, shall be assessed in:
(1) mathematics, annually in grades three through
seven without the aid of technology and in grades eight through 11
with the aid of technology on any assessment instruments that
include algebra;
(2) reading, annually in grades three through nine;
(3) writing, including spelling and grammar, in
grades four and seven;
(4) English language arts, in grade 10;
(5) social studies, in grades eight and 10; [and]
(6) science, in grades five, eight and 10; and
(7) any other subject and grade required by federal