Amend CSHB 599 as follows:                                                   
	(1) Insert a new SECTION 8 to read as follows:                                 
	"SECTION 8. Subchapter B, Chapter 82, Government Code, is 
amended by adding Sections 82.0242 to read as follows:
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the law study 
requirement for taking the examination for a license to practice 
law is satisfied and a person is [eligible to take the bar 
examination if the person has pursued the study of law in an 
approved law school or schools by satisfying all requirements for 
graduation with a J. D. degree or its equivalent, except for not 
more than 12 semester hours or its equivalent in quarter hours.]
	(b) Any person qualifying to take the bar examination under 
Subsection (a) shall not be licensed to practice law until 
graduation or satisfaction of all requirements for graduation.
	(c) If any person under Subsection (a) has not graduated with 
a J. D. degree or satisfied all requirements for graduation within 
two years from the date that all parts of the bar examination are 
satisfactorily completed, the person's examination scores shall be 
	(d) This section expires September 1, 2004."                            
	(2) Renumber subsequent SECTIONS accordingly.