Amend CSHB 730 as follows: (1) On page 5, line 21, strike "September 1, 2015" and substitute "September 1, 2007". (2) On page 13, line 20, between "agencies" and ".", insert "and will post this public interest information on the commission's website". (3) On page 15, line 11, strike "CONDITIONAL" and substitute "PROVISIONAL". (4) On page 15, lines 11 and 12, strike "Before June 30, 2005, pending" and substitute "Pending". (5) On page 15, line 13, strike "conditional" and substitute "provisional". (6) On page 15, line 16, strike "without conditions". (7) On page 15, line 18, strike "conditional" and substitute "provisional". (8) On page 15, line 19, strike "January 1, 2006" and substitute "January 1, 2005". (9) On page 21, line 3, strike "$500" and substitute "$5,000". (10) On page 22, line 21, strike "contractor's" and substitute "builder's". (11) On page 25, line 17, between "a person's name" and "is not disclosed", insert "is known to the requestor at the time of the request and". (12) On page 25, line 18, strike "retain" and substitute "designate". (13) On page 25, line 24, strike "EFFECT" and substitute "REBUTTABLE PRESUMPTION". (14) On page 26, lines 2 and 3, strike "is presumed to be reasonable and dispositive" and substitute "shall constitute a rebuttable presumption". (15) On page 39, insert a new SECTION 1.05 to read as follows: "SECTION 1.05. On January 1, 2004, the Texas Residential Construction Commission shall begin collecting, and builders shall be required remit, the registration fees described in Section 426.003, Property Code, as added by this Act."