Amend CSHB 730 as follows: (1) On page 6, strike lines 2-7 and substitute the following: (1) four members must be builders who each hold a certificate of registration under Chapter 416; (2) three members must be representatives of the general public; (3) one member must be a licensed professional engineer who practices in the area of residential construction; and (4) one member must be a licensed architect who practices in the area of residential construction. (2) On page 6, line 13, strike "two" and substitute "three". (3) On page 6, line 14, strike "each odd-numbered year" and substitute "different odd-numbered years". (4) On page 6, line 15, strike "terms of the two" and substitute "the term of one of the". (5) On page 6, line 16, strike "different odd-numbered years" and substitute "each odd-numbered year".