Amend CSHB 730 as follows: (1) Strike page 33, lines 15-16 and substitute the following: (2) include standards for mold reduction and remediation that comply with Section 430.002; and (2) On page 35, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following and renumber sections and cross-references in the bill appropriately: Sec. 430.002. MOLD REDUCTION AND REMEDIATION; TASK FORCE. (a) The building and performance standards adopted under Section 430.001 must include measures that are designed to reduce the general population's exposure to mold often formed in water-damaged building materials and that include: (1) methods by which mold, water damage, and microbial volatile compounds in indoor environments may be recognized; and (2) recommended management practices for: (A) limiting moisture intrusion in a home; and (B) mold remediation. (b) The commission shall appoint a task force to advise the commission with regard to adoption of standards under this section. The task force must include representatives of public health officers of this state, health and medical experts, mold abatement experts, and representatives of affected consumers and industries. The commission and the task force shall consider the feasibility of adopting permissible limits for exposure to mold in indoor environments.