Amend CSHB 730 (Senate committee printing) as follows: (1) In Section 2.04 of the bill, page 21, strike lines 10 through 17, and insert the following: (f) If a contractor fails to make a reasonable offer under Subsection (b), the limitations on damages provided for in Subsection (e) shall not apply. (2) In Section 2.04 of the bill, page 22, line 32, before "SECTION 2.05" insert the following new subsection: (q) If a contractor refuses to initiate repairs under an accepted offer made under this section, the limitations on damages provided for in this section shall not apply. (3) In Section 2.05 of the bill, in newly-added Section 27.0042, Property Code (page 22, line 44) strike lines 44 through 46 and insert the following: (b) A contractor may not elect to purchase the residence under Subsection (a) if: (1) the residence is more than five years old at the time an action is initiated; or (2) the contractor makes such an election later than the 15th day after the date of a final, unappealable determination of a dispute under Subtitle D., Title 16, if applicable.