Amend HB 1278 as follows:                                                    
	(1) On page 2, line 18, strike "and"                                    
	(2) On page 3, line 1, between "organization" and the period, 
insert the following:
	; and                                                                   
		(7) the real property that is owned by the religious 
organization if the real property is leased to another person and is 
used by that person for the operation of a school that qualifies as 
a school under Section 11.21(d)
	(3) On page 4, lines 25-27, strike "land owned by a religious 
organization for purposes of expanding or constructing a religious 
facility" and substitute "property owned by a religious 
organization that is leased for use as a school or that is owned 
with the intent of expanding or constructing a religious facility".