Amend CSHB 1365 by inserting the following section, 
appropriately numbered, and by renumbering subsequent sections 
	SECTION ___.  (a)  The Texas Commission on Environmental 
Quality shall compose a report that identifies the emissions 
reduction strategies likely to be required to achieve the 
eight-hour ozone standard component of the National Ambient Air 
Quality Standards throughout this state.
	(b)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality shall 
submit the report to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the 
speaker of the house of representatives on the earlier of the 
following dates:
		(1)  January 1, 2004; or                                                      
		(2)  the date on which the commission proposes a 
mid-course review state implementation plan for the one-hour ozone 
component of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for the 
Houston-Galveston nonattainment area or the Dallas-Fort Worth 
nonattainment area.