Amend CSHB 1365 as follows:                                                  
	Add a new SECTION ____ to the bill and renumber subsequent 
Sections accordingly.
	Section 386.116.  SMALL BUSINESS INCENTIVES.  (a)  In this 
section, "small business" means a business owned by a person who:
(1)  owns and operates not more than two vehicles, one 
of which is:    
(A)  an on-road diesel with a pre-1994 engine 
model; or                
(B)  a non-road diesel with an engine with 
uncontrolled emissions; and 
(2)  has owned the vehicle described by Subdivision 
(1)(A) or (B) for more than one year.
	(b)  The commission by rule shall develop a method of 
providing fast and simple access to grants under this subchapter 
for a small business.
	(c)  The commission shall publicize and promote the 
availability of grants under this section to encourage the use of 
vehicles that produce fewer emissions.
	(d)  On or before December 1 of each even-numbered year, the 
commission shall report commission actions and results under this 
section to the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the 
house of representatives.