Amend CSHB 1372 by adding an appropriately numbered SECTION 
to read as follows and by renumbering existing SECTIONS 
	SECTION ____.  Section 497.022, Government Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	Sec. 497.022.  CONTRACTS.  The department may contract with:                   
		(1)  another state, the federal government, a foreign 
government, or an agency of any of those governments to manufacture 
for or sell to those governments prison-made articles or products; 
		(2)  a private primary or secondary school or a private 
or independent institution of higher education to manufacture for 
or sell to that school or institution prison-made articles or 
products; or
		(3)  a private school or a visually handicapped person 
in this state to manufacture Braille textbooks or other 
instructional aids for the education of visually handicapped 