Amend CSHB 1407 (House Committee Report) as follows:                         

(1)  On page 2, strike lines 15 through 17 and substitute the 	following:     
	Sec. 2153.502.  REGULATORY AUTHORITY. (a) The Texas Lottery 
Commission shall adopt rules for regulating the exhibition, 
display, and promotion of amusement redemption machines.
	(2)  On page 2, line 24, strike "the comptroller or".                   
	(3)  On page 2, line 25, strike "comptroller" and substitute 
"Texas Lottery Commission".
	(4)  On page 2, line 27, strike "comptroller" and substitute 
"Texas Lottery Commission".
	(5)  On page 10, line 18, immediately after "comptroller", 
insert "and the Texas Lottery Commission".
	(6)  On page 11, line 15, immediately after "comptroller", 
insert "and the Texas Lottery Commission".