Amend HB 1457 by striking all below the enacting clause and 
substituting the following:
	SECTION 1.  Section 61.011, Natural Resources Code, is 
amended by amending Subsections (c) and (d) and adding Subsection 
(f) to read as follows:
	(c)  The commissioner [attorney general] shall strictly and 
vigorously enforce the prohibition against encroachments on and 
interferences with the public beach easement.  [The attorney 
general shall develop and publicize an enforcement policy to 
prevent and remove any encroachments and interferences on the 
public beach.  The land office may assist the attorney general in 
enforcing this subchapter.]
	(d)  The commissioner shall promulgate rules, consistent 
with the policies established in this section, on the following 
matters only:
		(1)  acquisition by local governments or other 
appropriate entities or public dedication of access ways sufficient 
to provide adequate public ingress and egress to and from the beach 
within the area described in Subdivision (6) [of this subsection];
		(2)  protection of the public easement from erosion or 
reduction caused by development or other activities on adjacent 
land and beach cleanup and maintenance;
		(3)  local government prohibitions of vehicular 
traffic on public beaches, provision of off-beach parking, and 
other minimum measures needed to mitigate for any adverse effect on 
public access and dune areas;
		(4)  imposition of beach access, user, or parking fees 
and reasonable exercises of the police power by local governments 
with respect to public beaches;
		(5)  contents and certification of beach access and use 
plans and standards for local government review of construction on 
land adjacent to and landward of public beaches; [and]
		(6)  construction on land adjacent to and landward of 
public beaches and lying in the area either up to the first public 
road generally parallel to the beach or to any closer public road 
not parallel to the beach, or to within 1,000 feet of mean high 
tide, whichever is greater, that affects or may affect public 
access to and use of public beaches; and
		(7)  the temporary suspension under Section 61.0185 of 
enforcement of the prohibition against encroachments on and 
interferences with the public beach easement and the ability of a 
property owner to make repairs to a structure while a suspension is 
in effect.
	(f)  Chapter 2007, Government Code, does not apply to rules 
adopted under Subsection (d)(7).
	SECTION 2.  Sections 61.015(b)-(d), Natural Resources Code, 
are amended to read as follows:
	(b)  Local governments shall submit proposed beach access 
and use plans to the commissioner for certification as to 
compliance with such policies and rules [and to the attorney 
general for review and comment].  The commissioner shall act on a 
local government's proposed beach access and use plan within 60 
days of submission by either approving the plan or denying 
certification.  In the event of denial, the commissioner shall send 
the proposed plan back to the originating local government with a 
statement of specific objections and the reasons for denial, along 
with suggested modifications.  On receipt, the local government 
shall revise and resubmit the plan.  The commissioner's 
certification of local government plans shall be by adoption into 
the rules under Section 61.011 [of this code].
	(c)  A littoral owner proposing construction adjacent to and 
landward of a public beach in the area described in Section 
61.011(d)(6) [of this code] shall submit a development plan to the 
appropriate local government.  The local government shall forward 
the development plan to the commissioner [and the attorney general] 
no less than 10 working days prior to acting on the development 
plan.  The commissioner [or the attorney general] may submit 
comments on the proposed construction to the local government.
	(d)  The local government shall review the proposed 
development plan and the commissioner's [and attorney general's] 
comments and other information the local government may consider 
useful to determine consistency with the local government's beach 
access and use plan.
	SECTION 3.  Sections 61.018(a) and (d), Natural Resources 
Code, are amended to read as follows:
	(a)  Any county attorney, district attorney, or criminal 
district attorney, or the [The] attorney general[, individually or] 
at the request of the commissioner, [or any county attorney, 
district attorney, or criminal district attorney] shall file in a 
district court of Travis County, or in the county in which the 
property is located, a suit to obtain either a temporary or 
permanent court order or injunction, either prohibitory or 
mandatory, to remove or prevent any improvement, maintenance, 
obstruction, barrier, or other encroachment on a public beach, or 
to prohibit any unlawful restraint on the public's right of access 
to and use of a public beach or other activity that violates this 
	(d)  Any county attorney, or the [The] attorney general[, 
either individually or] at the request of the commissioner [or any 
county attorney], may bring a suit for a declaratory judgment to try 
any issue affecting the public's right of access to or use of the 
public beach.
	SECTION 4.  Subchapter B, Chapter 61, Natural Resources 
Code, is amended by adding Section 61.0185 to read as follows:
order may suspend for a period of two years from the date the order 
is issued the submission of a request that the attorney general file 
a suit under Section 61.018(a) to obtain a temporary or permanent 
court order or injunction, either prohibitory or mandatory, to 
remove an improvement, obstruction, barrier, or other encroachment 
from a public beach if the commissioner determines that:
		(1)  the line of vegetation establishing the boundary 
of the public beach has moved as a result of a meteorological event;
		(2)  the improvement, obstruction, barrier, or other 
encroachment was located landward of the line of vegetation before 
the meteorological event; and
		(3)  the improvement, obstruction, barrier, or other 
encroachment does not present an imminent threat to public health 
and safety.
	(b)  The commissioner shall notify the attorney general and 
each pertinent county attorney, district attorney, or criminal 
district attorney of the issuance of an order under this section.
	(c)  A county attorney, district attorney, or criminal 
district attorney may not file suit under Section 61.018(a) to 
obtain a temporary or permanent court order or injunction, either 
prohibitory or mandatory, to remove an improvement, obstruction, 
barrier, or other encroachment from a public beach while the 
improvement, obstruction, barrier, or other encroachment is 
subject to an order issued under this section.
	(d)  While an order issued under this section is in effect, a 
local government may:
		(1)  issue a certificate or permit authorizing repair 
of a structure subject to the order if the local government 
determines that the repair complies with rules adopted by the 
commissioner under Section 61.011(d)(7); and
		(2)  allow utilities to be reconnected to a structure 
subject to the order.
	(e)  Issuance of an order under this section is purely within 
the discretion of the commissioner.  This section does not create:
		(1)  a duty on the part of the commissioner to issue an 
order related to all or part of an improvement, obstruction, 
barrier, or other encroachment, regardless of any determination 
made; or
		(2)  a private cause of action for:                                    
			(A)  issuance of an order under this section; or                      
			(B)  failure to issue an order under this section.                    
	(f)  Chapter 2007, Government Code, does not apply to an 
order issued under this section.
	SECTION 5.  Section 61.022(c), Natural Resources Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(c)  A local government proposing to adopt or amend such 
vehicular traffic regulations, except those for public safety, or 
fees shall submit a plan detailing the proposed action to the 
[attorney general and the] commissioner for review.  The 
commissioner shall certify whether the proposed action is 
consistent or inconsistent with such policies and rules.  
Certifications of consistency shall be by adoption into the rules 
promulgated under Section 61.011 [of this code].
	SECTION 6.  Section 61.026(b), Natural Resources Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(b)  The land office [or the attorney general's office] may 
develop and distribute public information about the requirements of 
this chapter, the importance of natural beach and dune systems, and 
the necessity for preserving them.  Such information may include 
public service announcements made under the direction of the land 
	SECTION 7.  Section 63.054(c), Natural Resources Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(c)  Each county or municipality administering this chapter 
shall establish procedures and requirements governing the review 
and approval of dune permits, and these procedures and requirements 
shall be submitted to the commissioner [and attorney general] for 
[their] comments.
	SECTION 8.  Section 63.181(a), Natural Resources Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  Any county attorney, district attorney, or criminal 
district attorney, or the [The] attorney general[, individually or] 
at the request of the commissioner, [or any county attorney, 
district attorney, or criminal district attorney] shall file in a 
district court of Travis County or in the county in which the 
violation occurred a suit to obtain either a temporary or permanent 
court order or injunction to prohibit and remedy any violation of 
this chapter or any rule, permit, or order under this chapter and to 
collect damages to natural resources injured by the violation and 
to recover civil penalties.
	SECTION 9.  Section 61.011(e), Natural Resources Code, is 
	SECTION 10.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.                     
	(b)  Section 61.0185, Natural Resources Code, as added by 
this Act, applies to a meteorological event that occurs before, on, 
or after the effective date of this Act.