Amend the proposed floor substitute by Eiland to HB 1457 as 
	(1)  On page 4, line 25, strike "an improvement, obstruction, 
barrier, or other encroachment" and substitute "a dwelling or other 
	(2)  On page 5, lines 2 and 3, strike "improvement, 
obstruction, barrier, or other encroachment" and substitute 
"dwelling or other improvement".
	(3)  On page 5, line 3, between "of the" and "line of", insert 
	(4)  On page 5, line 4, strike "and".                                   
	(5)  On page 5, lines 5 and 6, strike "improvement, 
obstruction, barrier, or other encroachment" and substitute 
"dwelling or other improvement".
	(6)  On page 5, line 7, strike the period and substitute "; 
	(7)  On page 5, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following:                   
		(4)  based on evidence supplied by the Bureau of 
Economic Geology of The University of Texas at Austin, the public 
beach and the line of vegetation have a reasonable chance of 
recovering sufficiently to place the structure landward of the line 
of vegetation.
	(8)  On page 5, lines 14 and 15, strike "an improvement, 
obstruction, barrier, or other encroachment" and substitute "a 
dwelling or other improvement".
	(9)  On page 5, line 16, strike "improvement, obstruction, 
barrier, or other encroachment" and substitute "dwelling or other 
	(10)  On page 6, lines 2 and 3, strike "an improvement, 
obstruction, barrier, or other encroachment" and substitute "a 
dwelling or other improvement".
	(11)  On page 6, between lines 9 and 10, insert the 
	(g)  This section does not apply to a dwelling or other 
improvement that the commissioner determines to be more than 50 
percent destroyed as a result of a meteorological event.
	(12)  On page 7, strike line 22 and substitute the following:                  
	SECTION 10.  (a) This Act takes effect immediately if it 
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each 
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. 
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate 
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2003.
	(13)  On page 7, line 24, strike "before, on," and substitute 