Amend HB 1496 as follows:                                                    
	(1)  On page 1, line 24, insert the following new subsection:                  
	"(c)  In developing the study required under this section, 
the Office of the State Auditor shall consider studies performed by 
the U.S. Department of Labor and other State Employment Security 
Agencies concerning the misclassification of workers resulting in 
underpayments to the UI Trust Fund, and shall specifically evaluate 
the use of targeted audits to reduce misclassification."
	(2)  On page 1, line 24, renumber subsection (c) to read 
subsection (d).     
	(3)  On page 2, line 11, renumber subsection (d) to read 
subsection (e).     
	(4)  On page 2, line 13, renumber subsection (e) to read 
subsection (f).     
	(5)  On page 2, line 15, strike "unemployment compensation 
administration fund" and add "workforce commission federal 