Amend the Wolens amendment to CSHB 1606 in Article 2 of the bill by adding an appropriately numbered section to read as follows: SECTION _____. Subchapter B, Chapter 253, Election Code, is amended by adding Section 253.040 to read as follows: Sec. 253.040. LIMITATION ON CONTRIBUTION. (a) A candidate may not knowingly accept political contributions from a person or political committee that in the aggregate exceed the following amounts per election or per calendar year without an election: (1) from an individual to a candidate or specific purpose committee supporting or opposing a candidate, $1000; (2) from a political action committee to a candidate or specific purpose committee supporting or opposing a candidate, $5,000; and (3) from an individual to all general purpose committees, an aggregate total of $25,000. (b) For purposes of this section, contributions made or received by more than one affiliated political committee are considered to have been made or received by a single political committee. (c) In this section, "affiliated committees" include: (1) two or more committees authorized by a candidate for an election to one office; or (2) two or more committees that: (A) are other than political parties; and (B) are established, financed, maintained, or controlled by the same person or the person's corporation, subsidiary, branch, division, franchise, license or state or regional association.