Amend the Wolens amendment to CSHB 1606 as follows: (1) On page 55, line 22, strike "572.0252" and substitute "Section 572.0253". (2) On page 58, line 21, strike "and". (3) On page 59, line 5, strike "." and substitute "; and". (4) On page 59, between lines 5 and 6, insert the following: (5) On page 60, strike "572.0251 and 572.0252" and substitute "572.0251, 572.0252, and 572.0253". (6) On page 61, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following: Sec. 572.0253. INFORMATION ABOUT REFERRALS. A state officer who is an attorney shall report: (1) making or receiving any referral for compensation for legal services; and (2) the amount of any fee accepted for making a referral for legal services.