Amend CSHB 1931 (Senate committee printing) as follows: (1) In Subsection (a) of Section 2 of the bill, in proposed Section 756.102, Health and Safety Code (page 2, line 45), between "APPLICABILITY." and "This", insert "(a)". (2) In Subsection (a) of Section 2 of the bill, between proposed Sections 756.102 and 756.103, Health and Safety Code (page 2, between lines 51 and 52), insert: (b) This subchapter does not apply to: (1) construction done by a municipality on property owned by the municipality, unless the construction is for private commercial use; or (2) construction or repair, replacement, or maintenance of construction on property owned by a navigation district or port authority created or operating under Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution. (3) After Subsection (b) of Section 2 of the bill (page 3, between lines 7 and 8), insert: (c) Section 756.102(b), Health and Safety Code, as added by this section, does not affect litigation that is pending on the effective date of this section and does not affect the rights or obligations of a municipality, navigation district, or port authority otherwise provided by law.