Amend CSHB 1989 as follows: (1) On page 2, strike lines 4 through 18 and substitute the following: Sec. 43.804. DESIGN AND ISSUANCE OF STAMPS. (a) The department may issue a freshwater fishing stamp to any person on the payment to the department of $5. Except as provided by Subsection (e), a stamp must be signed on its face by the person using it for the stamp to be valid for fishing purposes. (b) The department may issue a collectible freshwater fishing stamp to any person on the payment to the department of $5. A collectible freshwater fishing stamp does not authorize a person to fish and is not valid for fishing purposes. (c) The commission by rule shall prescribe the form, design, and manner of issuance of the freshwater fishing stamp and the collectible freshwater fishing stamp. The department retains all reproduction rights to the design of the freshwater fishing stamp and the collectible freshwater fishing stamp. (d) The commission may contract with and pay a person for designing and producing the freshwater fishing stamp or the collectible freshwater fishing stamp. (e) The commission by rule may prescribe alternate requirements for identifying the purchaser of a freshwater fishing stamp issued in an automated manner. (2) On page 2, line 21, between "stamp" and "sales", insert "and collectible freshwater fishing stamp". (3) On page 2, after line 27, insert the following: (c) The net receipts from collectible freshwater fishing stamp sales may be spent only for the restoration, enhancement, or management of freshwater fish habitats.