Amend CSHB 2292 as follows: (1) Amend Section 2.62 of the bill by inserting a new subsection (b)(8) as follows: "SECTION 2.62. (a) Section 31.0031, Human Resources Code, is amended by amending Subsections (b), (d), and (g) and adding Subsection (h) to read as follows: (b) The responsibilities of the state shall include administering programs, within available resources, that: (1) promote clear and tangible goals for recipients; (2) enable parents to provide for their children's basic necessities in a time-limited benefits program; (3) promote education, job training, and workforce development; (4) support the family structure through life and parenting skills training; (5) are efficient, fraud-free, and easily accessible by recipients; (6) gather accurate client information; (7) give communities the opportunity to develop alternative programs that meet the unique needs of local recipients; and (8) provide recipients with information about the federal earned income tax credit and how to apply for and receive the credit." (2) Strike Section 2.67 of the bill and substitute the following: "SECTION 2.67. Section 31.032, Human resources Code, is amended by adding Subsection (f) to read as follows: (f) A recipient of assistance authorized by this chapter is ineligible for continued assistance if the recipient qualified for the federal earned income tax credit for the tax year in which they applied for assistance under this Chapter but did not claim the credit on their federal income tax return. The department shall develop rules for implementing this requirement and obtaining necessary information from recipients to ensure compliance.