Amend CSHB 2292 as follows: (1) On page 161, line 27, strike "Subsection (c)" and substitute "Subsections (c) and (d)". (2) On page 162, line 1, between "Health" and "shall", insert "and the Health and Human Services Commission". (3) On page 162, line 3, between "Health" and "relating", insert "and the Health and Human Services Commission". (4) On page 162, between lines 4 and 5, insert the following: "(d) The department may contract with any public or private transportation provider or with any regional transportation broker for the provision of public transportation services." (5) On page 168, between lines 15 and 16, insert SECTION 2.105 to read as follows and renumber the subsequent sections appropriately: "SECTION 2.105. LEGISLATIVE INTENT REGARDING PROVISION OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICE TRANSPORTATION THROUGH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. It is the intent of the legislature that the provision of health and human service transportation through the Texas Department of Transportation will improve the delivery of transportation services to clients and enhance their access to transportation services. Furthermore, it is the intent of the legislature that these services be provided in a manner that will generate efficiencies in operation, control costs, and permit increased levels of service. The Texas Department of Transportation shall encourage cooperation and coordination among transportation providers, regional transportation brokers, and actual and potential clients in an effort to achieve the stated legislative goals."