Amend CSHB 2292 by adding the following appropriately 
numbered SECTIONS and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill 
	SECTION __. Subchapter C, Chapter 562, Occupations Code, is                    

amended by adding Sections 562.1085 and 562.1086 to read as 
PHARMACISTS. (a) A pharmacist who practices in or serves as a 
consultant for a health care facility in this state may return to a 
pharmacy certain unused drugs, other than a controlled substance as 
defined by Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, purchased from the 
pharmacy as provided by board rule.  The unused drugs must:
		(1)  be approved by the federal Food and Drug 
Administration and be: 
			(A)  sealed in the manufacturer's original 
unopened  tamper-evident packaging and either individually 
packaged or packaged in unit-dose packaging;
			(B)  oral or parenteral medication in sealed 
single- dose containers approved by the federal Food and Drug 
			(C)  topical or inhalant drugs in sealed 
units-of-use containers approved by the federal Food and Drug 
Administration; or
			(D)  be parenteral medications in sealed 
multiple-dose containers approved by the federal Food and Drug 
Administration from which doses have not been withdrawn; and
		(2)  not be the subject of a mandatory recall by a state 
or federal agency or a voluntary recall by a drug seller or 
	(b)  A pharmacist for the pharmacy shall examine a drug 
returned under this section to ensure the integrity of the drug 
product.  A health care facility may not return a drug that:
		(1)  has been compounded;                                              
		(2)  appears on inspection to be adulterated;                          
		(3)  requires refrigeration; or                                        
		(4)  has less than 120 days until the expiration date or  
end of the shelf life.
	(c)  The pharmacy may restock and redistribute unused drugs 
returned under this section.
	(d)  The pharmacy shall reimburse or credit the state 
Medicaid program for an unused drug returned under this section.
	(e)  The board shall adopt the rules, policies, and 
procedures necessary to administer this section, including rules 
that require a health care facility to inform the Health and Human 
Services Commission of medicines returned to a pharmacy under this 
	Sec. 562.1086.  LIMITATION ON LIABILITY. (a) A pharmacy that 
returns unused drugs and a manufacturer that accepts the unused 
drugs under Section 562.1085 and the employees of the pharmacy or 
manufacturer are not liable for harm caused by the accepting, 
dispensing, or administering of drugs returned in strict compliance 
with Section 562.1085 unless the harm is caused by:
		(1)  willful or wanton acts of negligence;                             
		(2)  conscious indifference or reckless disregard for 
the safety of others;  or
		(3)  intentional conduct.                                              
	(b)  This section does not limit, or in any way affect or 
diminish, the liability of a drug seller or manufacturer under 
Chapter 82, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
	(c)  This section does not apply if harm results from the 
failure to fully and completely comply with the requirements of 
Section 562.1085.
	(d)  This section does not apply to a pharmacy or 
manufacturer that fails to comply with the insurance provisions of 
Chapter 84, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
	SECTION __. Section 32.028, Human Resources Code, is amended 
by adding Subsection (i), (j), and (k) to read as follows:
	(i)  The Health and Human Services Commission shall adopt 
rules governing the determination of the amount of reimbursement or 
credit for restocking drugs under Section 562.1085, Occupations 
Code, that recognize the costs of processing the drugs, including 
the cost of:
		(1)  reporting the drug's prescription number and date 
of original issue;
		(2)  verifying whether the drug's expiration date or 
the drug's recommended shelf life exceeds 120 days;
		(3)  determining the source of payment; and                            
		(4)  preparing credit records.                                  
	(j)  The commission shall provide an electronic system for 
the issuance of credit for returned drugs that complies with the 
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. 
L. 104-191, as amended.  To ensure a cost-effective system, only 
drugs for which the credit exceeds the cost of the restocking fee by 
at least 100 percent are eligible for credit.
	(k)  The commission shall establish a task force to develop 
the rules necessary to implement Subsections (i) and (j).  The task 
force must include representatives of nursing facilities and long- 
term care facilities.
	SECTION __. Section 431.021, Health and Safety Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	Sec. 431.021.  PROHIBITED ACTS. The following acts and the 
causing of the following acts within this state are unlawful and 
	(a)  the introduction or delivery for introduction into 
commerce of any food, drug, device, or cosmetic that is adulterated 
or misbranded;
	(b)  the adulteration or misbranding of any food, drug, 
device, or cosmetic in commerce;
	(c)  the receipt in commerce of any food, drug, device, or 
cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded, and the delivery or 
proffered delivery thereof for pay or otherwise;
	(d)  the distribution in commerce of a consumer commodity, if 
such commodity is contained in a package, or if there is affixed to 
that commodity a label that does not conform to the provisions of 
this chapter and of rules adopted under the authority of this 
chapter;  provided, however, that this prohibition shall not apply 
to persons engaged in business as wholesale or retail distributors 
of consumer commodities except to the extent that such persons:
		(1)  are engaged in the packaging or labeling of such 
commodities;  or      
		(2)  prescribe or specify by any means the manner in 
which such commodities are packaged or labeled;
	(e)  the introduction or delivery for introduction into 
commerce of any article in violation of Section 431.084, 431.114, 
or 431.115;
	(f)  the dissemination of any false advertisement;                             
	(g)  the refusal to permit entry or inspection, or to permit 
the taking of a sample or to permit access to or copying of any 
record as authorized by Sections 431.042-431.044;  or the failure 
to establish or maintain any record or make any report required 
under Section 512(j), (l), or (m) of the federal Act, or the refusal 
to permit access to or verification or copying of any such required 
	(h)  the manufacture within this state of any food, drug, 
device, or cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded;
	(i)  the giving of a guaranty or undertaking referred to in 
Section 431.059, which guaranty or undertaking is false, except by 
a person who relied on a guaranty or undertaking to the same effect 
signed by, and containing the name and address of the person 
residing in this state from whom the person received in good faith 
the food, drug, device, or cosmetic;  or the giving of a guaranty or 
undertaking referred to in Section 431.059, which guaranty or 
undertaking is false;
	(j)  the use, removal, or disposal of a detained or embargoed 
article in violation of Section 431.048;
	(k)  the alteration, mutilation, destruction, obliteration, 
or removal of the whole or any part of the labeling of, or the doing 
of any other act with respect to a food, drug, device, or cosmetic, 
if such act is done while such article is held for sale after 
shipment in commerce and results in such article being adulterated 
or misbranded;
	(l)(1) forging, counterfeiting, simulating, or falsely 
representing, or without proper authority using any mark, stamp, 
tag, label, or other identification device authorized or required 
by rules adopted under this chapter or the regulations promulgated 
under the provisions of the federal Act;
		(2)  making, selling, disposing of, or keeping in 
possession, control, or custody, or concealing any punch, die, 
plate, stone, or other thing designed to print, imprint, or 
reproduce the trademark, trade name, or other identifying mark, 
imprint, or device of another or any likeness of any of the 
foregoing on any drug or container or labeling thereof so as to 
render such drug a counterfeit drug;
		(3)  the doing of any act that causes a drug to be a 
counterfeit drug, or the sale or dispensing, or the holding for sale 
or dispensing, of a counterfeit drug;
	(m)  the using by any person to the person's own advantage, 
or revealing, other than to the commissioner, an authorized agent, 
a health authority or to the courts when relevant in any judicial 
proceeding under this chapter, of any information acquired under 
the authority of this chapter concerning any method or process that 
as a trade secret is entitled to protection;
	(n)  the using, on the labeling of any drug or device or in 
any advertising relating to such drug or device, of any 
representation or suggestion that approval of an application with 
respect to such drug or device is in effect under Section 431.114 or 
Section 505, 515, or 520(g) of the federal Act, as the case may be, 
or that such drug or device complies with the provisions of such 
	(o)  the using, in labeling, advertising or other sales 
promotion of any reference to any report or analysis furnished in 
compliance with Sections 431.042-431.044 or Section 704 of the 
federal Act;
	(p)  in the case of a prescription drug distributed or 
offered for sale in this state, the failure of the manufacturer, 
packer, or distributor of the drug to maintain for transmittal, or 
to transmit, to any practitioner licensed by applicable law to 
administer such drug who makes written request for information as 
to such drug, true and correct copies of all printed matter that is 
required to be included in any package in which that drug is 
distributed or sold, or such other printed matter as is approved 
under the federal Act.  Nothing in this subsection shall be 
construed to exempt any person from any labeling requirement 
imposed by or under other provisions of this chapter;
	(q)(1) placing or causing to be placed on any drug or device 
or container of any drug or device, with intent to defraud, the 
trade name or other identifying mark, or imprint of another or any 
likeness of any of the foregoing;
		(2)  selling, dispensing, disposing of or causing to be 
sold, dispensed, or disposed of, or concealing or keeping in 
possession, control, or custody, with intent to sell, dispense, or 
dispose of, any drug, device, or any container of any drug or 
device, with knowledge that the trade name or other identifying 
mark or imprint of another or any likeness of any of the foregoing 
has been placed thereon in a manner prohibited by Subdivision (1) of 
this subsection;  or
		(3)  making, selling, disposing of, causing to be made, 
sold, or disposed of, keeping in possession, control, or custody, 
or concealing with intent to defraud any punch, die, plate, stone, 
or other thing designed to print, imprint, or reproduce the 
trademark, trade name, or other identifying mark, imprint, or 
device of another or any likeness of any of the foregoing on any 
drug or container or labeling of any drug or container so as to 
render such drug a counterfeit drug;
	(r)  dispensing or causing to be dispensed a different drug 
in place of the drug ordered or prescribed without the express 
permission in each case of the person ordering or prescribing;
	(s)  the failure to register in accordance with Section 510 
of the federal Act, the failure to provide any information required 
by Section 510(j) or (k) of the federal Act, or the failure to 
provide a notice required by Section 510(j)(2) of the federal Act;
	(t)(1) the failure or refusal to:                                              
			(A)  comply with any requirement prescribed under 
Section 518 or 520(g) of the federal Act;  or
			(B)  furnish any notification or other material or 
information required by or under Section 519 or 520(g) of the 
federal Act;
		(2)  with respect to any device, the submission of any 
report that is required by or under this chapter that is false or 
misleading in any material respect;
	(u)  the movement of a device in violation of an order under 
Section 304(g) of the federal Act or the removal or alteration of 
any mark or label required by the order to identify the device as 
	(v)  the failure to provide the notice required by Section 
412(b) or 412(c), the failure to make the reports required by 
Section 412(d)(1)(B), or the failure to meet the requirements 
prescribed under Section 412(d)(2) of the federal Act;
	(w)  except as provided under Subchapter M of this chapter 
and Section 562.1085, Occupations Code, the acceptance by a person 
of an unused prescription or drug, in whole or in part, for the 
purpose of resale, after the prescription or drug has been 
originally dispensed, or sold;
	(x)  engaging in the wholesale distribution of drugs or 
operating as a distributor or manufacturer of devices in this state 
without filing a licensing statement with the commissioner as 
required by Section 431.202 or having a license as required by 
Section 431.272, as applicable;
	(y)  engaging in the manufacture of food in this state or 
operating as a food wholesaler in this state without having a 
license as required by Section 431.222;  or
	(z)  unless approved by the United States Food and Drug 
Administration pursuant to the federal Act, the sale, delivery, 
holding, or offering for sale of a self-testing kit designed to 
indicate whether a person has a human immunodeficiency virus 
infection, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or a related 
disorder or condition.
	SECTION __.  If before implementing any provision of this Act 
a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a 
federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision, 
the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or 
authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the 
waiver or authorization is granted.
	SECTION __.  (a) The Texas State Board of Pharmacy shall adopt 
the rules required by Section 562.1085, Occupations Code, as added 
by this Act, not later than December 1, 2003.
	(b)  Notwithstanding Section 562.1085, Occupations Code, as 
added by this Act, a pharmacy is not required to accept unused drugs 
from a health care facility before January 1, 2004.
	SECTION __. The Health and Human Services Commission shall 
adopt the rules required by Section 32.028(i) and (j), Human 
Resources Code, as added by this Act, not later than December 1, 
	SECTION __.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives 
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as 
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this 
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this 
Act takes effect September 1, 2003.