Amend CSHB 2292 as follows:                                                  

(1)  On page 11, line 11, strike "and".
	(2)  On page 11, line 13, strike the underlined period and 
		(5)  the office for the blind to provide and coordinate 
programs for the treatment, rehabilitation, and benefit of persons 
who are blind or visually impaired;
		(6)  the office for the deaf and hard of hearing to 
provide and coordinate programs for the treatment, rehabilitation, 
and benefit of persons who are deaf or hard of hearing; and
		(7)  the office of rehabilitation services to provide 
and coordinate programs for the rehabilitation of persons with 
disabilities so that they may prepare for and engage in a gainful 
occupation or achieve maximum personal independence.
	(3)  On page 18, strike lines 22 and 23 and substitute 
"health, mental health, or substance abuse."
	(4)  On page 27, line 1, after the semicolon, insert "and".             
	(5)  On page 27, line 3, strike "; and" and substitute "."       
	(6)  On page 27, strike lines 4 and 5.                                         
	(7)  On page 37, strike lines 9 and 10 and substitute "and 
persons with developmental disabilities or mental retardation."
	(8)  On page 44, strike lines 10-15 and substitute:                            

treatment, rehabilitation, or benefit of persons with 
developmental disabilities or mental retardation;
	(9)  On page 49, strike lines 5-8 and substitute the 

activities of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission;                            
		(5)  all powers, duties, functions, programs, and 
activities of the Texas Commission for the Blind;
		(6)  all powers, duties, functions, programs, and 
activities of the Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; 
		(7)  all rulemaking and policymaking authority for the                        
	(10)  On page 51, strike lines 13 and 14 and renumber the 
remaining subdivisions in that subsection appropriately.
	(11)  On page 55, line 21, after the semicolon, insert "and".                  
	(12)  On page 55, strike lines 22-26.                                          
	(13)  On page 55, line 27, strike "(5)" and substitute "(3)".