Amend CSHB 2292 (Senate committee printing) by adding the 
following SECTION ____ and renumber appropriately:
	SECTION ____.  Any entity to which functions described in 
ARTICLE 2 of this act are transferred will be subject to the 
following in regard to all state and federal funds transferred to 
that entity:
	(a)  Sections 556.004, 556.0055 and 556.0056, Government 
	(b)  Sections 2113.012, 2113.101, Government Code                              
	(c)  Article IX, Section 6.31 of SB 1, 77th Texas Legislature 
(2002-2003 appropriations act):  Performance Rewards and 
	(d)  Article IX, Sections 7.01 of SB 1, 77th Texas 
Legislature (2002-2003 appropriations act:  (Budgeting and 
	(e)  Sections 2102.001 - 2102.011, Government Code