Amend CSHB 2458 in SUBCHAPTER F, Sec. 162.501, Tax Code (page 
54, line 54-55, committee printing) by inserting a new subsection 
(c) to read as follows:
	(c)  In October of each even-numbered year, the comptroller, 
will report to the legislature on the use of the special fund in the 
administration and enforcement of this chapter.  The report shall 
be reviewed by the State Auditor and the Legislative Budget Board.  
The report shall include:
1)  the total amount expended from the special fund 
for administration and enforcement of motor fuels taxes;
2)  any other uses of the special fund;                                  
3)  the amount of the unexpended portion reverted to 
other funds as provided by this chapter;
4)  the methods used by the comptroller to enforce 
this chapter, including number of internal auditors, external 
auditors, and other full time employees, and;
5)  recommendations for improving and enhancing the 
collection of motor fuels taxes in this state.