Amend CSHB 2548 as follows:                                                  
	(1) On page 1, lines 18 and 19, strike "Notwithstanding 
Section 36.054, the commission may authorize incentives or the 
inclusion" and substitute "Notwithstanding Section 36.054 (a), if 
the commission determines that conditions warrant the action, the 
commission may authorize the inclusion".
	(2) On page 2, line 6, strike "[and]" and substitute "and".
	(3) On page 2, line 11, strike "and".                                          
	(4) On page 2, lines 15, and 16, strike "(5) the ability of 
the electric utility to meet the goal for renewable capacity 
established by Section 39.904 (a)." and substitute "(F) to the 
extent applicable, the effect of granting the certificate on the 
ability of this state to meet the goal established by Section 39.904 
(a) of this title.".
	(5) On page 2, line 22, between "constraints" and the period, 
insert "within ERCOT in a cost effective manner where the 
constraints are such that they are not being resolved through 
Chapter 37 or the ERCOT transmission planning process".