Amend HB 2877 as follows:                                                    
	(1)  Insert a new SECTION of the bill to read as follows:                      
	SECTION ____.  Section 36.101, Water Code, is amended by 
adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
	(d)  The commission has principal and exclusive authority as 
to the control, regulation, or abatement of nonpoint source 
pollution of water or other regulation of water quality in terms of 
limiting a landowner's ability to develop or use that land in the 
jurisdiction of any water district or authority with management and 
regulatory authority over groundwater withdrawals.
	(2)  Insert a new SECTION of the bill to read as follows:                      
	SECTION ____.  This section supersedes any other provision 
of this Act to the extent of any conflict.  Section 36.101(d), Water 
Code, as added by this Act, supersedes any other applicable law or 
action taken under that law to the extent of any conflict.  Any rule 
or order of an applicable district or authority purporting to 
regulate water quality as described by the change in law made by 
this Act to Section 36.101, Water Code, may not be enforced 
regardless of whether the adoption date of the rule or order is 
before, on, or after the effective date of this Act.