Amend HB 3374 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                        
	(1)  Strike SECTION 4 of the bill and substitute the 
	SECTION 4.  BOUNDARIES.  The boundaries of the district are 
coextensive with Kenedy County, Texas and also include the 
following separate tracts:
	(a)  A tract of land known as the Laureles Ranch containing 
255,026.53 acres, more or less, in Kleberg and Nueces Counties, 
Texas, being more particularly described in an oil, gas, and 
mineral lease from the Executors and Trustees under the will of Mrs. 
Henrietta M. King, deceased, to Humble Oil & Refining Company dated 
September 26, 1933, recorded in Volume 20, page 1-13, of the Oil and 
Gas Lease Records of Nueces County, Texas, and Volume 37, pages 
183-189, of the Deed Records of Kleberg County, Texas, said tract 
having been described as Item First in said lease to which reference 
is here made for a complete description thereof;
	(b)  A tract of land known as the Santa Gertrudis Ranch 
containing 203,468.13 acres, more or less, in Kleberg, Jim Wells, 
and Brooks Counties, Texas, and composed of two parcels as follows:
(1)  A parcel of land containing 173,028.90 acres, 
more or less, in Kleberg, Jim Wells, and Brooks Counties, being more 
particularly described in an oil, gas, and mineral lease from the 
Executors and Trustees under the will of Mrs. Henrietta M. King, 
deceased, to Humble Oil & Refining Company dated September 26, 
1933, recorded in Volume 20, pages 1-13, of the Oil and Gas Lease 
Records of Nueces County, Texas, and Volume 37, pages 183-189, of 
the Deed Records of Kleberg County, Texas, said tract having been 
described as Item Second in said lease to which reference is here 
made for a complete description thereof; and
(2)  A parcel of land containing 30,439.23 acres, more 
or less, in Kleberg and Jim Wells Counties, Texas, being more 
particularly described in an oil, gas, and mineral lease from Alice 
G. K. Kleberg to Humble Oil & Refining Company dated September 26, 
1933, recorded in Volume 37, page 200-206, of the Deed Records of 
Kleberg County, Texas, and in Volume 50, page 166-172, of the Deed 
Records of Jim Wells County, Texas, to which reference is here made 
for a complete description thereof; and

	(c)  ALL of Farm Lots Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13), in Block 
or Section Number Nine (9), of the Kleberg Town and Improvement 
Company's Subdivision in Kleberg County, Texas or 74.62 acres more 
or less, AND BEING the same property conveyed to John B. Armstrong 
and Henrietta L. Armstrong, Trustees by Deed executed by Bessie Y. 
Larkin, et al, dated June 10, 1964, and filed for recorded in the 
Office of the County Clerk of Kleberg County, Texas, Volume 183, 
Pages 524-527; and
	(d)  Lot 3 of Survey 283, A-124, of C.B. & C.N.G.R.R. Co. 
according to Mrs. H. M. King Second Subdivision of Rivera Farm 
Lands, containing 77.89 acres of land, more or less, and being the 
same tract of land that was conveyed to King Ranch by J. F. McCullar 
by deed dated November 2, 1943, recorded in Vol. 61, page 90 of the 
Deed Records of Kleberg County, Texas.
	(e)  The tract of land described in Subsection (a) of this 
section does not include the 1999.96 acre tract of land described in 
Volume 1386, Pages 193-205, Nueces County Deed Records.
	(f)  The legislature finds that the boundaries and field 
notes of the district form a closure.
	(2)  On page 2, line 1 (committee printing) strike "entire 
district" and substitute "Santa Gertrudis Independent School 
	(3)  On page 2, line 1 (committee printing) strike "county" 
and substitute "Kenedy County".