Amend CSHB 3442 (Senate committee printing) as follows: (1) Strike Section 6 of the bill (page 2, lines 54-69, through page 3, line 18) and renumber subsequent sections accordingly. (2) Strike the following subsections of Section 7 of the bill and reletter the remaining subsections of that section accordingly: (A) Subsection (b) (page 3, lines 27-62); (B) Subsection (c) (page 3, lines 63-68); and (C) Subsection (d) (page 3, line 69, through page 4, line 6). (3) In Section 14 of the bill, strike Subsection (f) of that section (page 12, lines 29-35) and substitute: (f) Section 203.016, Agriculture Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 203.016. CONSULTATION. The board shall consult with: (1) the department in regard to the effects of the brush control program on agriculture; (2) the Texas Water Development Board in regard to the effects of the brush control program on water quantity; and (3) the Parks and Wildlife Department in regard to the effects of the brush control program on fish and wildlife. (4) In Section 14 of the bill, strike the introductory language to Subsection (l) of that section (page 13, lines 43-45) and substitute: (l) Section 203.154, Agriculture Code, is amended by amending Subsections (a) and (c) and by adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read as follows: (5) In Section 14 of the bill, in Subsection (l) of that section, following proposed Subsection (d), Section 203.154, Agriculture Code (page 13, between lines 61 and 62), insert: (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, 100 percent of the total costs of a single project on public lands may be made available as the state's share in cost sharing. (6) In Section 14 of the bill, in Subsection (m) of that section, in amended Subdivision (8), Section 203.157, Agriculture Code (page 14, line 17), between "district," and "the Texas" insert "the department,".