Amend CSHB 3554 in SECTION 1 of the bill as follows:                         
	(1)  In amended Section 201.613(a), Transportation Code 
(Committee printing page 1, lines 21-24), strike ". To the extent 
possible, the department shall colocate agencies and utilize 
intelligent transportation systems in order to expedite the 
movement of people and vehicles".
	(2)  In amended Section 201.613(b), Transportation Code 
(Committee printing page 1, line 34), between "location." and 
"[The]", insert the following:
	(c)  To the extent the department considers appropriate to 
expedite commerce, the department shall provide for implementation 
by the appropriate agencies of the use of Intelligent 
Transportation Systems for Commercial Vehicle Operations (ITS/CVO) 
		(1)  any new commercial motor vehicle inspection 
facility constructed; and
		(2)  any existing facility to which this section 
	(d)  Implementation of systems under Subsection (c) must be 
based on the Texas ITS/CVO business plan prepared by the 
department, the Department of Public Safety, and the comptroller.  
The department shall coordinate with other state and federal 
transportation officials to develop interoperability standards for 
the systems.
	(e)  In implementing systems under Subsection (c) in the 
construction of a facility, the department to the greatest extent 
possible shall:
		(1)  enhance efficiency and reduce complexity for motor 
carriers by providing:
			(A)  a single point of contact between carriers 
and state and federal officials regulating the carriers; and
			(B)  a single point of information, available to 
wireless access, about federal and state regulatory and enforcement 
		(2)  prevent duplication of state and federal 
procedures and locations for regulatory and enforcement 
activities, including consolidation of collection of applicable 
		(3)  link information systems of the department, the 
Department of Public Safety, the comptroller, and, to the extent 
possible, the United States Department of Transportation and other 
appropriate regulatory and enforcement entities; and
		(4)  take other necessary action to:                                   
			(A)  facilitate the flow of commerce;                                 
			(B)  assist federal interdiction efforts;                             
			(C)  protect the environment by reducing idling 
time of commercial motor vehicles at the facilities;
			(D)  prevent highway damage caused by overweight 
commercial motor vehicles; and
			(E)  seek federal funds to assist in the 
implementation of this section.