Amend CSSB 14 as follows:                                                    
	(1) On page 6, line 15, between "ethnicity," and "or" insert 
"the fact that the insured or applicant is a fire fighter, a police 
officer, or a teacher."
	(2) On page 8, line 22, between "ethnicity," and "or" insert 
"the fact that the insured or applicant is a fire fighter, a police 
officer, or a teacher".
	(3) On page 27, line 17, after the comma, add ", including 
factors based on the fact that the insured or applicant is a fire 
fighter, a police officer, or a teacher".
	(4) On page 35, line 7, between "race," and "or" insert "the 
fact that the insured or applicant is a fire fighter, a police 
officer, or a teacher".
	(5) On page 35, line 7, between "religion," and "ethnicity" 
insert "the fact that the insured or applicant is a fire fighter, a 
police officer, or a teacher".
	(6) On page 60, line 20, between "ethnicity," and "or" insert 
"the fact that the insured or applicant is a fire fighter, a police 
officer, or a teacher".
	(7) On page 60, line 24, between "ethnicity," and "or" insert 
"the fact that the insured or applicant is a fire fighter, a police 
officer, or a teacher".
	(8) In Article 7, add an appropriately numbered SECTION after 
page 60, line 27, to read as follows:
	SECTION 7._____. Article 21.21-6, Insurance Code, is amended 
by amending section 3(a) to read as follows:
	(a) Refusing to insure; refusing to continue to insure; 
limiting the amount, extent, or kind of coverage available; or 
charging an individual a different rate for the same coverage 
because of race, color, religion, the fact that the insured or 
applicant is a fire fighter, a police officer, or a teacher (for 
personal automobile and residential property insurance only) or 
national origin;
	(9) In Article 4, add an appropriately numbered SECTION after 
page 54, line 18, to read as follows:
	SECTION 4._____. Section 5, Article 5.13-2, Insurance Code, 
is amended by adding a new subsection (f) to read as follows:
	(f) No insurer may file rates that discriminate based on the 
fact that the insured or applicant is a fire fighter, a police 
officer, or a teacher."
	(10) In Article 4, add an appropriately numbered SECTION 
after page 54, line 18, to read as follows:
	SECTION 4._____.  Chapter 21, Insurance Code, is amended by 
amending Article 21.49-2D Sec. (b) to read as follows:
	(b) An insurer may not cancel or refuse to renew a policy or 
contract of insurance based solely in whole or in part on the fact 
that the insured or applicant is a fire fighter, a police officer, 
or a teacher, or the fact that the policyholder in question is an 
elected official.